"Sie gehören zweifelsohne zu den wichtigsten Supergroups des Progressive Rocks, doch lang Zeit war es still um sie: Liquid Tension Experiment.
2021 kommen sie endlich mit einem neuen Studioalbum zurück, dem ersten seit 22 Jahren. Hier ist LTE3" (Quelle: jpc.de, 17.06.2021)
Disk 1 von 3
1: Hypersonic
2: Beating the Odds
3: Liquid Evolution
4: The Passage of Time
5: Chris & Kevin's Amazing Odyssey
6: Rhapsody in Blue
7: Shades of Hope
8: Key to the Imagination
Disk 2 von 3
1: Blink of an Eye
2: Solid Resolution Theory
3: View from the Mountaintop
4: Your Beard Is Good
5: Ya Mon
Disk 3 von 3
1: Hypersonic (5.1 mix with visualizer)
2: Beating the Odds (5.1 mix with visualizer)
3: Liquid Evolution (5.1 mix with visualizer)
4: The Passage of Time (5.1 mix with visualizer)
5: Chris & Kevin's Amazing Odyssey (5.1 mix with visualizer)
6: Rhapsody in Blue (5.1 mix with visualizer)
7: Shades of Hope (5.1 mix with visualizer)
8: Key to the Imagination (5.1 mix with visualizer)
9: Additional content: LTE3 - The Interview (Video Interview)
Liquid Tension Experiment
Dortmund, InsideOutMusic
Enthaltene Werke:
Hypersonic, Beating the Odds, Liquid Evolution, Blink of an Eye, Solid Resolution Theory, View from the Mountaintop, Your Beard Is Good, Ya Mon, The Passage of Time
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2 CDs + 1 Blu-ray Disc